Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Pixar: 25 Magic Moments-Music

The music of every animated film i think is the most important instrument. I think the music brings the animation together and finishes it off. The music also sets the theme and works so well WITH the animation for example, Finding Nemo (2003), I personally think the music composed for that was amazing! Calm, flow-y, soft...just like the film. The same with Ratatouille (2007), the music is fast and upbeat, just how a rat would move around. Michael Giacchino (born October 10, 1967) the composer just comes up with these amazing pieces of music its just phenomenal! Shown in his wonderful work with Ratatouille, The Incredibles (2004), Up (2009) and many more. ''Music is suppose to show you what you cant see on screen''- Michael Giacchino and I totally agree! The music, whether it be at the beginning, middle or end of a film builds an image in our minds of WHAT the animation will consume of or HOW it will be shown. ''Music is the one thing in a film that can completely derail it in two seconds, because if your not on point, emotionally, with whats happening in the story, not just visually, but within the storytelling, then it can take the audience into a place where you can never get them back''-Michael Giacchino...again, agreeing with this statement I totally believe music is so vital because you, as an audience, 'paint a picture' in your head of the animation you think will turn out this way or just generally believe it will turn out like YOUR image. If the music isn't there to lead you onto the 'right track' then yes, you will get the audience drifting off into space.

Surprisingly Michael Giacchino had found Up (2009) a difficult film to compose music to. As he watched Up for the first time, without any music he found it very heartwarming. Ronnie Del Carmen (December 31, 1959), Animation Storyboard, story artist and designer was the person who had done most of the drawings for this film and at time even thought that some drawings would look good without the dialogue and just show it with just music itself and it worked brilliantly! I think the music grasped many emotions during 'Married Life Carl & Ellie', happiness, sadness, loneliness etc and not only in this film but in every film, the music does bring out a lot of emotion just like Randy Newman (November 28, 1943) carries out in Toy Story 2 (1999) with 'Jessie's Song'.

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